Current mood: quixotic ( I don't know what it means, but it looks cool!!)
A good friend of mine and I had a convo the other day. When I asked her about a certain gentleman that she had dated, loved, lost, reconciled with--well, you get the picture--before she got married, she said something so profound (at least in my mind) I had to write about it. She said that her being so crazy over him was like an obsession with a video game. She really thought it was love, or some close manifestation, when it actually was her desire to win--him being the prize. She kept playing, over and over, trying to get him to do what she wanted him to do--which in her case, was to fall back in love with her. However, once she realized what she was doing, she just quit. Its like, do you really want this person, or do you just want to say you won? She just wanted to win, and when she realized that, she gave up the game.
Now a similar situation...I'm calling match. As much as I'm ticked that he can even provoke me to write something like this, its gotta be done. I quit. I played that game because I wanted to be with someone that had all the points on my checklist. But I forgot a few (silly me!). Like courage, and honesty, not just a big stiff one.
So that's it. Not gonna be friends, cutty buddies, a couple. Nunna dat.
Stuff I feel like take on life (particularly mine), politics, relationships, success, and whatever...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Room Full of Sisters
A room full of sisters like jewels in a crown
Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate Brown...
Now picture yourself in the midst of this glory
As I describe the sisters who are part of this story.
They were wearing purples, royal blues and all shades of red
Some had elegant hats on their heads.
With sparkling eyes and shiny lips
They moved through the room swaying their hips.
Speaking with smiles on their beautiful faces
Their joy and laughter filled all the spaces
They were fashionable in what they were wearing
Kind sisters who were loving and caring.
You see, it's not about how these sisters appeared
Their beauty was in the values they revered.
They were smart, articulate and well-read
With all kinds of history stored in their heads
Jugglers of professions, managers of lives
Mothers of children, lovers and wives
Good-hearted, reaching out to others
Giving back to the community and supporting their brothers.
All of these sisters struggled the path
Suffered from prejudice, endured the wrath.
But they brushed off their dresses and pushed on the door
And they came back stronger than they were before.
Now, imagine if you will
The essence and the thrill
As you stand feeling proud
In the heart of this crowd
A sisterhood of modern Sojourners today
Still out in front, blazing the way.
A room full of sisters, like jewels in a crown
Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate Brown.
by Mona Lake Jones
Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate Brown...
Now picture yourself in the midst of this glory
As I describe the sisters who are part of this story.
They were wearing purples, royal blues and all shades of red
Some had elegant hats on their heads.
With sparkling eyes and shiny lips
They moved through the room swaying their hips.
Speaking with smiles on their beautiful faces
Their joy and laughter filled all the spaces
They were fashionable in what they were wearing
Kind sisters who were loving and caring.
You see, it's not about how these sisters appeared
Their beauty was in the values they revered.
They were smart, articulate and well-read
With all kinds of history stored in their heads
Jugglers of professions, managers of lives
Mothers of children, lovers and wives
Good-hearted, reaching out to others
Giving back to the community and supporting their brothers.
All of these sisters struggled the path
Suffered from prejudice, endured the wrath.
But they brushed off their dresses and pushed on the door
And they came back stronger than they were before.
Now, imagine if you will
The essence and the thrill
As you stand feeling proud
In the heart of this crowd
A sisterhood of modern Sojourners today
Still out in front, blazing the way.
A room full of sisters, like jewels in a crown
Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate Brown.
by Mona Lake Jones
Monday, June 26, 2006
Marinate on these for a minute....
Current mood: thoughtful
This is just something to think about....
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
This is a poem that I stole from someone's FB page...I WISH my poems were that good! But I dig this....
1 day he realized he was missing out on something,
Something that was good,
Something that was worth the keep,
Something of more value than any treasure he thought he'd seek,
Valued far 2 high 2 B bought or used,
Something like this U cherish, throw away the jewels,
Because what Uve got is tarnished and abused,
With the capability of pleasing only a few,
U dont want anything thats effete and run down,
Something that puts U 2 shame when Ure walking through town,
U need something U can hold up high and B proud of
Something that has enough value 2 replace the crystals on your crown,
What U have compares 2 a house with no walls,
A tunnel with no end,A picture with no frame,
And a towel that needs 2 be thrown N,
Diamond a rare element,
Beautiful and unique,
Been dropped a few times,
But held together N 1 peace,
Has a use of many,
But many have not used,
Appealing 2 many eyes,
2 weak, I blinded U,
Your elements have no definition,
Put me on a shelf,
Ill let everyone see,
I define myself!
It won't be long B4 we see how long this treasure lasts,
When youre lonely, remember,
U had a diamond, but left it N your past.
Current mood: thoughtful
This is just something to think about....
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
This is a poem that I stole from someone's FB page...I WISH my poems were that good! But I dig this....
1 day he realized he was missing out on something,
Something that was good,
Something that was worth the keep,
Something of more value than any treasure he thought he'd seek,
Valued far 2 high 2 B bought or used,
Something like this U cherish, throw away the jewels,
Because what Uve got is tarnished and abused,
With the capability of pleasing only a few,
U dont want anything thats effete and run down,
Something that puts U 2 shame when Ure walking through town,
U need something U can hold up high and B proud of
Something that has enough value 2 replace the crystals on your crown,
What U have compares 2 a house with no walls,
A tunnel with no end,A picture with no frame,
And a towel that needs 2 be thrown N,
Diamond a rare element,
Beautiful and unique,
Been dropped a few times,
But held together N 1 peace,
Has a use of many,
But many have not used,
Appealing 2 many eyes,
2 weak, I blinded U,
Your elements have no definition,
Put me on a shelf,
Ill let everyone see,
I define myself!
It won't be long B4 we see how long this treasure lasts,
When youre lonely, remember,
U had a diamond, but left it N your past.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Gotta dig you, man...
Current mood: determined
So, I'm here at work...not working...HA!...and I really had to take a minute. I've been sort of in MOURNING for a relationship that ended before it began....feeling sorry for myself and wishin' this cat would come back and admit how stupid he was. He should come back professing his undying love and shouting 'Bump that hoe!'
Sorry, detour from reality....but nonetheless, I was just thinking how terrific I am! Bear with me now, 'cause I'm sure I sound conceited and I'm really not....but I do have alot going for me. Besides the fact that as a child of GOD, I'm shown favor every morning I rise and when I make to the end of the day to lay down....I'm intelligent, ambitious, big-hearted, well-mannered, socially aware, culturally conscious, and about a billion other adjectives and adverbs. Not to mention easy on the eyes. ;-)
So I can continue to be down in the dumps, or I can pick myself up, dust off, pop my colla and try again! Yeah, yeah...that's just what I'm gonna do.
Current mood: determined
So, I'm here at work...not working...HA!...and I really had to take a minute. I've been sort of in MOURNING for a relationship that ended before it began....feeling sorry for myself and wishin' this cat would come back and admit how stupid he was. He should come back professing his undying love and shouting 'Bump that hoe!'
Sorry, detour from reality....but nonetheless, I was just thinking how terrific I am! Bear with me now, 'cause I'm sure I sound conceited and I'm really not....but I do have alot going for me. Besides the fact that as a child of GOD, I'm shown favor every morning I rise and when I make to the end of the day to lay down....I'm intelligent, ambitious, big-hearted, well-mannered, socially aware, culturally conscious, and about a billion other adjectives and adverbs. Not to mention easy on the eyes. ;-)
So I can continue to be down in the dumps, or I can pick myself up, dust off, pop my colla and try again! Yeah, yeah...that's just what I'm gonna do.
What do you think?
Current mood: irritated
I have a question: why is it that a guy swears that you are the ish...better than sliced bread, but when you want to get serious, they take off like Marion Jones!?! Even when they bring the shit up!! I wasn't THINKIN' 'bout no commitiment!!! So you sold the dream, and then you bounce?? Men, SOMEBODY, EXPLAIN!
Current mood: irritated
I have a question: why is it that a guy swears that you are the ish...better than sliced bread, but when you want to get serious, they take off like Marion Jones!?! Even when they bring the shit up!! I wasn't THINKIN' 'bout no commitiment!!! So you sold the dream, and then you bounce?? Men, SOMEBODY, EXPLAIN!
Damn, it's hard being a woman!
Current mood: annoyed
Did you ever think about all the different sh*t we go through as women!?!? I mean, I'm sure we've all b*tched about one torture or another that we have to deal wit, but have you ever thought about ALL of them? We have to fry our hair with chemicals and hot irons to tame our locks. We pluck hairs our of our faces; that is, if we aren't pouring hot wax on the hair and yanking it out. We wax our legs, underarms, and sometimes that very delicate hair down there. We inhale chemicals as our fingers and toenails are ground, cut, clipped and pulled. We wear underwire bras and thong underwear. We wear heels. To top it all off, there's that God issued right to bleed once a month, and squeeze children (5-10lbs) from an opening that dialates to the size of a small orange. (10cm) I feel like I need some sort of reparations! Can a sista get disability!?! And they want to call us the 'weaker sex'? HA!
Current mood: annoyed
Did you ever think about all the different sh*t we go through as women!?!? I mean, I'm sure we've all b*tched about one torture or another that we have to deal wit, but have you ever thought about ALL of them? We have to fry our hair with chemicals and hot irons to tame our locks. We pluck hairs our of our faces; that is, if we aren't pouring hot wax on the hair and yanking it out. We wax our legs, underarms, and sometimes that very delicate hair down there. We inhale chemicals as our fingers and toenails are ground, cut, clipped and pulled. We wear underwire bras and thong underwear. We wear heels. To top it all off, there's that God issued right to bleed once a month, and squeeze children (5-10lbs) from an opening that dialates to the size of a small orange. (10cm) I feel like I need some sort of reparations! Can a sista get disability!?! And they want to call us the 'weaker sex'? HA!
When you know....
Current mood: contemplative
What do you do when you know someone is not right for you? This person can be all that you've ever said that you wanted, and it just doesn't feel right, what do you do? Conversely, what do you do when your heart is bruised from past encounters, and the one you are with deserves more than what you can give? Do you fight to free your heart from the chains you've put on it, or do you let that person go, because you care too much for them to put them thru your bullsh*t??
Current mood: contemplative
What do you do when you know someone is not right for you? This person can be all that you've ever said that you wanted, and it just doesn't feel right, what do you do? Conversely, what do you do when your heart is bruised from past encounters, and the one you are with deserves more than what you can give? Do you fight to free your heart from the chains you've put on it, or do you let that person go, because you care too much for them to put them thru your bullsh*t??
Current mood: contemplative
Well, I'm just in the mood to write, so I'm writing. It's so funny how:
Guys are always amazed that I'm single, but they never want to be in a committed relationship......
As busy as you are, you can still be bored....
Even surrounded in a room full of friends, you can still feel lonely....
Everyone always says you will find what you are looking for when you least expect it...but all the people sayin' that are already in relationships..LOL...
Seems as if you are runnin' as fast as you can--just to stay in the same place...
That's all the randomness I have for now...I guess I'd better get on this is my life!
Current mood: contemplative
Well, I'm just in the mood to write, so I'm writing. It's so funny how:
Guys are always amazed that I'm single, but they never want to be in a committed relationship......
As busy as you are, you can still be bored....
Even surrounded in a room full of friends, you can still feel lonely....
Everyone always says you will find what you are looking for when you least expect it...but all the people sayin' that are already in relationships..LOL...
Seems as if you are runnin' as fast as you can--just to stay in the same place...
That's all the randomness I have for now...I guess I'd better get on this is my life!
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