Backspin to Memorial Day weekend. That's about where I left my life off at the blog. (Was that proper English? Methinks not!)
So I had finished the big meeting @ the job, and I felt like I deserves some R&R! Southwest was having some cheap flights, so I started looking and bango! Got a ticket to NC for $150 RT! YEEEEAAAHHHH!
I had to go y'all. My bestest friend in da WWW lives there, with his wife and 2 kids. (Yes, my BF is male; he was also my HS sweetheart, but that's another blog.) I hadn't seen them in 2 YEARS!!! My goddbabies were growing up, and I was missing it!
and the last time I saw Makeda...welll...she was still on the titty. LOL

So I was overdue. I just wasn't prepared tho y'all!! My babies are...well, not babies anymore!!
Sniff, sniff...
Plus it was good to see my peeps. My boy and his wife have their issues, but they are a happy family. A young black woman with a resposnible, hard working, educated young black man! And they are MARRIED! With kids!!! I love it...I swear, the media acts like it JUST CANT HAPPEN!!!
I've told them many times, they are my hope. They beat the odds. When she got preggers in college, they stayed together, and they both graduated WITH HONORS! I was in their wedding. I was the Best Woman...heehehe, it was actually in the program!

I just hope I can meet one like my BMF one day....they don't make 'em like him anymore!
Miracles and Blessings,