Hello Friends,
I've been too busy Twittering and reading otha folks ish to post anythang new lately...shouts out to my new fav blogs in the world: Awesomely Luvvie (she KILLS me daily), House of IG, and I'll Think of a Title Later. Great reads! *end groupie-esque dick riding*
So...ya'll know I have my Theory on Friendship, right? I thought I had articulated this to erybody that mattered, and those that didn't...well, knew better than to ask or didn't care! So explain to me the following COONERY:
Unamed sadidity neighbor/Neptune friend: Yo...u straight deleted me as your friend???? Remeber this friendship thing goes both ways...
Me: First off...I started a new page. I posted on my status that I was shutting the other one down. Secondly, we were never tight. We probably never will be. You think you are a good friend? We don't talk, we don't hang out...you live one street over and I haven't seen you once this year. So chill with the 'tude.
USNNF: Not sure if u still have the same number...but I just left a message. I'm too damn grown for all this negativity mess coming from you end.....and I don't get into petty arguments with chicks. It's good to see that we were never tight....that's news to me. Seems like you're as fake as I hear cause as for me I don't hang with those I'm not cool with. As far as living next to each other and not talking....like I said in the last message....that goes both ways. You didn't even tell me you were moving in...til after you moved in. Never once have you called me to hang/chill/go for drinks or whatever. You have internal issues that need to be taken care of. I mean we all do, but never have I seen someone wear that shit on their sleeves. But like I said...my number is the same (XXX-XXX-8936). Call me if you like....otherwise it is what it is.
WhereDeyDoDatAt?? I mean, you were REALLY thinkin we were "best buds", when I haven't talked to you in like 9 months?? I was content with our you-coo-to-hit-a-club-wit aquaintance, but I see you got yo role twisted hon. Do better, and kill the e-thuggery on my FB inbox! KThx!
Secondly, please know yo role. If we don't talk on the regular, sparsely see each other, and never hang out w/ less than 3 otha folks present, YOU ARE AN AQUAINTANCE AT BEST. Don't mean I hate you, just means we prolly wouldn't interact w/out common friends and liquor involved. Deal with it.